Shoot a Stranger, Save a Neighbor: Civilian & Combatant Networks Under Fire
"Shoot a Stranger, Save a Neighbor: Civilian & Combatant Networks Under Fire" Matthew Simonson (Northeastern University) Abstract:...
The effects of exposure to violence on social network composition and formation...
"The effects of exposure to violence on social network composition and formation: Evidence from IDP camps in Myanmar" Daniel Thomas...
Do States Screen or Signal?
"Do States Screen or Signal?" Noam Reich (Princeton University) Abstract: "Canonical models of crisis bargaining maintain that states...
Make Two Democracies and Call Me in the Morning: Endogenous Regime Type and the Democratic Peace
"Make Two Democracies and Call Me in the Morning: Endogenous Regime Type and the Democratic Peace" Daina Chiba (Unaffiliated) and Erik ...
Laws And Order: The Impact of Rebel Governance on Post-Conflict Judiciaries
"Laws And Order: The Impact of Rebel Governance on Post-Conflict Judiciaries" Cyanne E. Loyle (Pennsylvania State University) Abstract:...
The Ethnicization of Syria's Conflict - A social media analysis
"The Ethnicization of Syria's Conflict - A social media analysis" Alexandra Siegel (Immigration Policy Lab, Stanford University), Yael...